Posts tagged fitness
Why You Should Give Up Restrictive Dieting and Never Look Back

If you're similar to a plethora of people looking to change their unhealthy lifestyle quickly, chances are you've followed a restrictive diet in the name of weight loss at some point. It's one thing to follow a particular diet because of an allergy or due to a personal belief such as veganism. But we're talking about the kind of restrictions people subject themselves to lose weight. The kind that leave you feeling guilty every time you have a bite. These diets do not work. Typically, dieters tend to see initial results, but due to the restrictions and lack of sustainability, those same people see themselves gaining the weight they lost back and more.

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Why Too Much Protein Is Actually a Bad Thing

Today, society hails protein as the key nutrient to establishing a healthy diet. How many of us are guilty for adding protein to our smoothies or salads because we naturally assumed it made our diet healthy? It seems as if food companies are trying to sell us on more protein in just about every aisle of the grocery store. Literally everything has an alternative protein option, and food companies have helped create this obsession with protein. It’s as if protein is the answer to healthy eating.

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